Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
The objectives of the CMS PTO are to support the academic, emotional, social, and physical development of students and to enhance the teaching and learning environment at Centennial Middle School by:
Fostering open communication and effective collaboration between parents/guardians, teachers, administrators and support staff.
Recruiting, equipping, and supporting parent/guardian and community volunteers for school and CMS PTO activities.
Raising funds and donations of goods & services from the wider community to support these objectives.
We’d love to have your participation and involvement! Please download the Parent Volunteer Form and the Parent Contact Form (PTO Volunteer Forms) and return those via email or drop those by the school office. Thank you!
PTO meetings are held only 5 times during the school year. The PTO meeting is an opportunity to get involved and to bring any questions or concerns you may have. We would love for you to come to a meeting or two!
First meeting will offer 2 dates and times - following meetings will be scheduled after Sept.12 meeting
September 10, 2024 @ 1:30 CMS / Sept 12, 2024 @ 7pm CMS
This year's 2024/25 PTO Officers:
PRESIDENT: Kristy Steen
SECRETARY: Hollie Schluter
TREASURER: Kristen Anderson
PARENT Volunteer COORDINATOR: Maggie Kazemba
(The Parent Coordinator recruits volunteers for ASB and PTO activities throughout the school year.)
CMS PTO EMAIL: [email protected]