Student & Parents Resources » Crisis Training

Crisis Training

October 23, 2018


Dear Parents/Guardians:                                                                                                                          


As you may well know, school shootings continue to occur across this country and even though they are still considered rare events, we in the West Valley School District realize that school safety is still very much on our parent’s minds.


The West Valley School District is very much committed to creating and sustaining a safe school environment for all our students, staff and parents.  To that end we have decided to bring in a nationally recognized motivational speaker/trainer to our school district to conduct school assemblies for 6th through 8th graders as well as 9th through 12th graders on how to survive an Active Lethal Threat Event whether in or out of school.  Our school assembly will be held on Tuesday, November 27th.  (You may read information about the trainer on the back of this letter.)


We believe that to mitigate the risk of violence in our schools, we must partner with our students and provide them the critical lifesaving information that might be necessary for them to know should such an event ever occur. These assemblies will be provided in a powerfully engaging manner with the trainer soliciting students for answers and providing them with realistic survival options that are based on actual school shooting events.  This trainer has provided these assemblies all over the country and the response to them by students has been overwhelmingly positive with students expressing that they feel empowered and motivated to report should they have information that could endanger their schools. 

These assemblies will NOT be mandatory, so we are writing to advise you that you can, should you choose to, withdraw your student from attending these assemblies.  We will honor that request by providing a study period for your student while the assembly is in progress and we would need that information in advance to facilitate your request.   If you do not wish your student to attend the November 27th Assembly, please put your request in writing and bring it to the CMS office before that date and we will honor your request. 


We strongly encourage you to allow your student to attend one of these assemblies as the West Valley School District is in full support of them and believe that we should provide them with the most realistic, up to date and most forward-thinking training to mitigate any injuries to our students.

Please feel free to call me at (509) 922-5482 should you have any questions or concerns regarding this notification.  Thank you for supporting our school district in keeping your students safe and we are grateful to have such supportive parents trusting us to do what we can to keep our students safe! 





Karen Bromps
