TECHNOLOGY STUDENT ASSOCIATION CLUB Check out our new Technology Student Association Club. Click on Student & Parent Resources on our website and you will see a drop down box with Technology Student Association (TSA) listed. There's lots of great information about this new club! Thank you for your support CMS Community! Published October 31, 2016
SUCCESSFUL CMS FLEET FUND RUN Congratulations Falcons for raising $18,287.29 during this year's Fleet Fund Run! Thank you to our wonderful West Valley Community for supporting athletics as well as extra curricular activities for our CMS students! Great job! Published October 14, 2016
ONLINE ANNUAL PAPERWORK We have found that about half of our parents have gone online and filled out the annual forms for students under "Online Registration" in their Skyward accounts! Thank you for trying this new method of collecting yearly information! We would like to encourage those who have not completed these forms online to please log into your Skyward account and fill these forms out for your students. Going forward we would like to have everyone complete their student's annual forms online! Thank you for your support! Published September 20, 2016
LATE START TIME School starts at 9:45 on Late Start Collaboration Days which is one and half hours later than usual. The busses will pick up students one and a half hours later than they normally do. Published September 6, 2016