April 2, 2021

Dear Centennial Students & Families,

It has certainly been quite a challenging time this past year for all. I am very grateful that I have been on this
journey with Centennial’s amazing staff members, our incredibly strong students, and our gracious,
supportive families. I am so looking forward to welcoming back students, who wish to return, to
school five days a week starting April 19th . Just a reminder that next week (April 5-9) is spring break and
school is not in session. The week of April 12-16 will continue to be hybrid, with our two cohorts coming
two days a week and our 100% virtual learners logging-in to their Google Meets on their cohort days.
There was a West Valley School District Community Zoom Webinar earlier this week, which outlined in detail changes occurring on Monday April 19th for Centennial students.  Please go to the WVSD website front page to view the Zoom Webinar if you missed it.  

Changes include:
 Both cohorts attending onsite instruction 5 days a week (8:45-2:15)
 100% virtual learners no longer logging-in to Google Meets twice a week, but rather utilizing
content/curriculum in a self-paced online format, accessing teachers via email or live during office
hours. The office hours’ schedule will be sent out the week after spring break.

Things that will remain the same:
 Students will still be expected to bring their charged chrome book to school daily.
 We will continue to not allow access to lockers for the remainder of this school year.
 Seating charts in classrooms and at lunch
 Staff & students will continue to follow all health and safety protocols: mask wearing, physical
spacing, lunchroom procedures, hand hygiene, and building sanitation/disinfecting.

Please also know that if your child needs to ride the school bus, and they haven’t been riding it yet this
year, our transportation department needs a week’s notice before your child can access transportation.
They can be reached at (509) 922-5467.

The last week for daily meal pick-up at Centennial will be the week of April 12-16. New daily meal pick-up for
WVSD Virtual students only, will be at West Valley High School starting April 19th between 9:45-10:30 a.m.

I hope the spring brings health, happiness, and hope for each of you.  As always, if there are any questions that you may have or are in need of anything at all, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected] or (509) 922-5482.


Karen Bromps